Looking After Your Knitwear
These simple instructions explain the best ways to look after your knitwear so that it will continue to serve you well for many years.
Avoiding Moths
Moths are a fact of life but there are preventions that you can take to avoid them:
Woollens should be clean before storing as moths love to munch on a food stain.
We suggest placing each piece into individual ziplock freezer bags before packing away for the summer months. Moths love a dark, still, dusty corner. It is helpful to keep your drawers and wardrobe clean and dust free. Give them a regular vacuum. Keep your wardrobe and drawers shut.
There are natural repellents available.
For more information, try www.mothprevention.com.
Washing & Drying
We recommend dry cleaning, however you can hand-wash carefully using the following instructions: Hand wash in cold water with a specialist wool detergent.
Look out for a Woolmark symbol on the packaging. We don’t recommend using a washing machine, as your knits could shrink.
Press out excess water in the sink, then gently press between a folded towel to soak up more water, do not wring out.
Lay flat to dry, away from direct heat.